Friday, October 12, 2012

Invasion! - 10/12/12

I have heard that when food is scarce in the north there are sometimes amazing numbers of northern finches that turn up at feeders far south of their normal range.  Even with this knowledge nothing has prepared me for the actuality of finding them at my own feeders.

I woke up this morning to find my Goldfinches replaced with Pine Siskens!  Tons of them, like tiny female House Finches with a dash of yellow!  I normally fill my Nyjer feeder about once a week and had filled it yesterday, and today I find it half empty!  The little streaked birds are pretty assertive too, jockeying for position among my Goldfinches who have gotten quite used to having this feeder to themselves.  Now I have to ask, will the Purple Finches show up here as well?

10/12/12 - 11:30 AM Update - Migrants are here in full force!

I have been watching the feeders all morning, just wondering what else might show up.  To my surprise another pair of Magnolia Warblers has wandered through the yard gleaning insects off of the leaves of our large Maple.  The amount of Pine Siskens has tripled since earlier this morning, they are covering my feeders!  To top it all off a lovely Red-Breasted Nuthatch has appeared sneaking off with some Sunflower seeds!  What a great week to take off work and focus on the birds!  I should have pictures up soon!
2 Pine Siskens on bottom of feeder,  2 American Goldfinches
above them and one on a branch above the feeder.
4 Pine Siskens.

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